Colorado Cancer Coalition Virtual Symposium

The 4th Annual Colorado Cancer Coalition Symposium: COVID-19 and Cancer will share COVID-19 impacts on cancer care in Colorado as well as an opportunity to network virtually and learn more […]

Hot Issues in Health 2020

Hot Issues in Health brings together a diverse crowd of state legislators, regional and local policymakers, representatives from insurance carriers and health systems, consumer advocates, health care providers, researchers, students […]


State of Working Colorado 2020

Join Charles Brennan, the Colorado Center on Law and Policy (CCLP) Deputy Director of Research, from 11:00am to noon, December 29, for a live webinar on the most salient findings from the 2020 State of Working Colorado report. The presentation will highlight the challenges and opportunities in the state's economy moving forward. CCLP produces the […]


Winter Colorado Cancer Coalition Meeting

Join the Colorado Cancer Coalition for their quarterly Partner Meeting. January will focus on cancer related policy for the 2021 legislative session. Join to hear how you can get involved […]


State of Reform Leadership Series: Health Policy in the 2021 Colorado Legislature

The 2021 Colorado legislature has again put health policy front and center. This year’s session includes continued initiatives ranging from a public option to importation of prescription drugs, as well as an array of new policy discussions. This panel will offer an update on how the session is going so far, what lessons have been […]


2021 State of Reform Federal Health Policy Conference

The 2021 State of Reform Federal Health Policy Conference is focused on bridging the gap between health care policy and political reality. Too often, those with good ideas for reforming […]


Colorado Health Symposium

The Colorado Health Symposium brings together leading experts, community advocates, grassroots leaders, innovators and others to address issues most pressing to Coloradans and explore how pursuing racial justice is essential to achieving health equity. Racial injustice is the leading driver of health inequity, and most significantly affects people of color living on low incomes. We […]

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